words of wisdom

Molly Montgomery - Business Strategist & Executive Coach

Molly Montgomery - Business Strategist & Executive Coach
Self care plays a significant role in my life and my work. My morning meditation and journaling practice sets the foundation for my day, and is a non-negotiable for me. Adding Chafinity to my morning routine has shifted me in ways I never expected. I have always been a tea lover, and occasionally enjoy a cup of coffee. The journey of finding that perfect morning boost that doesn’t cross the tipping point of being too much caffeine has been a challenge at times. I can feel an incredible difference in the quality of Chafinity’s teas. Light, and powerful. Clean, and flavorful. I never thought I would enjoy pure matcha as much as this. And, learning how to make matcha the traditional way, passed on from the Japanese culture, brings me to a place of feeling so loved and cared for through every cup I drink. It’s such an enjoyable experience to have Chafinity tea in my daily life. It’s more than just a tea. Chafinity has become part of my lifestyle that I didn’t know was missing.

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